Hacin is Now A Certified LGBT Business Enterprise (LGBTBE®)

Over the holidays, we received word that the National LGBT Chamber of Commerce (NGLCC) Certification Committee approved Hacin as a Certified LGBT Business Enterprise® (LGBTBE). In doing so, we look forward to expanding our client base through the NGLCC Supplier Diversity Initiative (SDI), connecting with other LGBTBEs, and taking advantage of the organization’s educational resources.
NGLCC’s mission to “connect main constituency groups – LGBT–owned businesses, affiliate chambers, corporate partners, and government agencies – in order to advance opportunities for the LGBT business community” resonates with us. Hacin is committed to leading by example in the diversity and inclusion space and will continue to advocate for change with the support of the design community.
“We are proud to partner with the NGLCC and support their mission to broaden opportunities across the design industry and beyond,” said David Hacin.
In case you missed it, David recently participated in a virtual roundtable hosted by the Boston Society for Architecture (BSA) entitled “LGBTQ in the Profession” during which he discusses his outlook on the state of the industry and where there’s room for growth. We look forward to participating in more dialogues like this with the BSA LGBTQ Network and other likeminded organizations in 2021.
The National LGBT Chamber of Commerce is the business voice of the LGBT community and the largest global not-for-profit advocacy organization specifically dedicated to expanding economic opportunities and advancements for LGBT people. NGLCC is the exclusive certification body for LGBT-owned businesses.