H+ Magazine, Issue No. 4 | The Gathering Edition

Our 4th issue of H+ Magazine is out, in print and online! Named ‘The Gathering Edition’, Issue No. 4 explores the spaces where we gather to work, eat, socialize, and celebrate. Gatherings and celebrations are central to our lives and, therefore, central to our goal of designing beautiful, comfortable places. Of course, anytime we meet, share, and connect, it’s often centered on food and drink, and as architects, interior designers, and graphic designers, the kitchens, bars, and places to dine are among the most inspiring challenges we encounter.
In this edition, we explore the making of these places, and the collaborative process. The feature story, “The Making of a Restaurant”, is an illustrative story on all of the people, choices, details, decisions, and efforts that have gone into making our latest restaurant in Kendall Square, Glass House, with BioMed Realty and The Briar Group (and you’ll have to visit the restaurant in person to see how the story ends).
We also deconstruct three of our most memorable kitchens from the past few years, highlighting details that made a difference. We diagram a recent kitchen we designed for noted restaurateur, Pat Lyons, and we also reflect upon the closing of the iconic Four Seasons restaurant in Manhattan, and our experience participating in its headline-making auction. And last, but certainly not least, we explore the artistry of plating food in a uniquely design-focused way. If you’re not hungry now, just wait until you see the results…We hope you enjoy this edition!
Check out this issue online or in print, and send us your feedback. All issues can be found here.