A Word from David Hacin on Cue Ball’s ‘On Cue 2014’ Event

On June 17, I was privileged to be a part of On Cue 2014, the Cue Ball Group’s annual conclave of leaders from different industries sharing insights and celebrating human achievement. This year’s theme: “Confronting Challenge and Embracing the Future”. The day unfolded at Boston’s Institute for Contemporary Art with a diverse and inspirational line up of speakers and performers including the Boston Ballet, Former CIA Director David Petraeus, MSNBC host Chris Matthews, Jazz legend Herbie Hancock, Attorney Ken Feinberg and a broad array of leading scientists, engineers, authors, artists and creative thinkers from all industries. Afterwards, panels on Creativity, Purpose, and Technology took place throughout the Seaport, including our own District Hall, which also hosted an ‘Author’s Lounge’ where leading authors like Ben Mezrich and Simon Sinek were available to discuss their latest work. A beautiful dinner hosted by Bryan Rafanelli at Sam’s capped off this memorable day!
Congratulations to Tony Tjan and the entire Cue Ball team on one of the most memorable and inspiring days that I can remember:
Some highlights:
Life lessons from inspiring individuals:
- Author Steve Callaghan of ‘Adrift’ [who survived 76 days on a life raft]: “You know you are really in trouble when you have a sense of humor failure.”
- Author Simon Sinek of Leaders Eat Last on being trapped in Afghanistan: “Sometimes the only thing we can change is our attitude.”
- Legendary 9-11/Sandy Hook/BP/Boston Marathon mediator Ken Feinberg: “Your decision-making process must reflect your personality and once you have made a decision, stick to your guns.”
- Boston Marathon dancer/survivor and, now again dancer, Adrianne Haslet-Davis: “Why don’t we celebrate the little victories.”

An Innovation Campus on the Seaport:
- Seeing the ICA, Louis, and District Hall working together to create a kind of ‘campus for collaboration and innovation’ was an extraordinary moment for those of us who have been hoping for this kind of urban landscape to emerge on the waterfront. It was a pleasure to see people like Vivien Li of the Boston Harbor Association and Debbie Greenberg of Louis, who helped set the stage for making that dynamic possible and Tony Tjan for executing it all so well.

New Technologies:
- Experiencing and learning about new transformational technologies, including Greg Harper’s many projects like the virtual 3D Oculus rift system [a virtual roller coaster]; learning about David Rose of MIT’s numerous ‘Enchanted Objects’ previewed from his new book from Scribners; the promising potential future of drones from former F18 fighter pilot Missy Cummings; and the daunting economic challenges of the coming “Second Machine Age” from MIT professor Erik Brynjolfsson.

Most inspiring moments:
- Learning about the astonishing work of MIT engineer and biophysicist Hugh Herr on new life-like prosthetic technology and then watching Adrianne Haslet-Davis perform a beautiful number on stage with her new prosthetic foot – art and technology coming together in the most beautiful way I could imagine.
- Capping off the evening with a dinner performance at Sam’s by 16 year-old classical violinist Yuki Beppu [of ‘From the Top’], playing Lady Gaga in a way that Julliard trained Gaga would have loved.
[Clockwise from top left: David with Adrianne Haslet-Davis, Bionic Prosthetic Limb work from MIT Media Lab, and Adrianne dancing with her prosthetic limb]
All in all, an amazing day!