A Memorial to the Massachusetts Fallen Heroes

In the years since the terrorist attacks of September 11, 2001, Massachusetts has lost 178 men and women serving abroad in the Armed Services. In 2010, a group of military service members, veterans, military families, and others, established the Massachusetts Iraq and Afghanistan Fallen Heroes Memorial Fund to “build a permanent memorial dedicated to the sons and daughters of Massachusetts who have given their lives”.
To support those efforts, Seaport Square developer John Hynes and Boston Global Investors have donated the site at Parcel F near the newly completed District Hall. Landscape Architects Reed Hilderbrand, designers of Seaport Square Park, and Hacin, have been chosen to design the memorial and will be working closely with the families and volunteers of the Massachusetts Fallen Heroes.
David Hacin, Scott Thomson and Matt Arnold were honored to have been invited to take part in the 4th Annual Massachusetts Fallen Heroes Memorial Dinner held at the Boston Convention and Exhibition Center on December 7th. The event was a powerful and emotional evening with an opening procession by the Boston Police Gaelic Column of Pipes and Drums and the Joint Services Color Guard, followed by remarks from John Hynes, Mayor-elect Martin J. Walsh, Retired General George William Casey, Jr., and Gold Star family members.

Gary Hilderbrand and David Hacin presented initial conceptual designs for the Memorial to the 1,200 guests. A long pool of water will begin along Seaport Boulevard as a gentle trickle, flowing toward Northern Ave where it will gradually become deeper and deeper, much like Boston’s own shore. A freestanding wall will mark the names of each fallen hero and a bench will allow visitors to rest. A monument will mark the site and memorial along Northern Avenue.

Hacin is proud to be a part of this process honoring the Massachusetts Fallen Heroes. For more information about the Memorial Fund, or to learn more about Gold Star families in Massachusetts, visit the Massachusetts Iraq and Afghanistan Fallen Heroes Memorial Fund.